
2016wallart艺术节 深圳卓越世纪中心 2016 Wallart Art Festival Shenzhen Century of Excellence Center 2016《城市再知》---第二届深圳国际雕塑展 深圳坪山 2016 "City Re-knowledge" - - The 2nd Shenzhen International Sculpture Exhibition, Pingshan, Shenzhen 2016 《放形态》艺术展 深圳 2016 Art Exhibition of Fang Shape Shenzhen 2016《真空》大浪艺术创作周 深圳浪口老村 2016 "Vacuum" Dalang Art Creation Zhou Shenzhen Langkou Old Village 2016(客随主便)珠三角当代艺术城市馆(深圳馆)艺术家邀请展 中山 2016 Pearl River Delta Contemporary Art City Museum (Shenzhen Museum) Artists Invitation Exhibition Zhongshan 2016《重构。共生》雕塑邀请展 深圳 Reconstruction, 2016. Symbiosis Sculpture Invitation Exhibition Shenzhen 2017中国当代艺术联盟2017年度大展 中国宋庄 China Contemporary Art Alliance 2017 Songzhuang 2017《迹象》2017第二届广东当代雕塑邀请展 岭南美术展 2017 "Signs" 2017 2nd Guangdong Contemporary Sculpture Invitation Exhibition Lingnan Art Exhibition 2017《在地计划》金地东区19人邀请展 深圳 2017 Jindi East District Invitation Exhibition Shenzhen 2017《开放的语言》广东雕塑邀请展 广州美院美术馆 2017 "Open Language" Guangdong Sculpture Invitation Exhibition Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Museum 2017《艺道同盟》深圳民盟美术家邀请展 深圳 2017 Art and Dao Alliance Shenzhen Democratic League Artists Invitation Exhibition Shenzhen 2018《向时代致敬》深圳民盟盟员美术作品展 深圳 Hail to the Age 2018 Shenzhen Art Exhibition of League Members of the Democratic League of China Shenzhen
中国雕塑学会 CHINA SCULPTURE INSTITUTE    备案号:京ICP备12008679号 